Public finance report
The Fiscal Advisory Council’s report on Austria’s public finances (public finance report) is published annually in mid-December in line with the Council’s legal mandate pursuant to Article 1 paragraph 1 no 6 Fiscal Advisory Council and Productivity Board Act of 2021. Taking into account Austria’s federal state structure and considering all levels of public budgets, the report provides an assessment of Austria’s fiscal stance and debt management activities, budget and debt developments at the general government and subsectoral levels, as well as structural measures and reform projects. The public finance report is based on the Fiscal Advisory Council’s own fiscal forecasts for years t and t+4 (as of December 2021). The report also monitors Austria’s compliance with EU and national fiscal rules under the EU’s fiscal framework and Austria’s 2012 Stability Pact. The public finance report, including fiscal policy recommendations, is submitted to the Federal Minister of Finance and to the Austrian parliament and is discussed by the parliamentary Budget Committee.
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